我從未懷疑過昔日每週末 義務地帶你們短暫回到大自然懷抱的樂趣和重要性,但今天每當回望往日曾經與你們一起走過的日子,總又感到懊悔萬分,我萬分懊悔當年並沒有更早、更多、更長久地與你們一起分享大自然的美和智慧!以至今天即使機緣再臨, 美景亦已不再。




I've never doubted about the joy and significance of voluntarily taking you back to have short hugs with Mother Nature every weekend, Yet I still can never look back on those long past days we were together without great sorrow and remorse. I feel sorrow and remorse because I didn't take you to Mother Nature more often and earlier! For in those good old days I simply wasn't aware that only 10 - 20 years later our beloved Mother Earth could have been damaged by man to such an extent that everything seems to have been too late to save right now .


--Pang, Yiu Kai--